Student Record System In C Program

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Student Record System Penn State

Unlike other mini projects published in Code with C, this mini project in C Student Record System has a unique style of coding and is presented in a colorful manner. It uses files as database to perform file handling operations such as add, search, modify and delete records to manage students’ records. In this project, you can also generate mark-sheet for students. Here, a console window is virtually divided into 2 parts – one is static and it does not change, while the other is dynamic and it changes from time to time. The text are coded using various color-related functions to make them static. The source code for this mini project is error-free, but not complete. There are many places for improvements and enhancements within the project.

Student Management System is a basic C++ program for education establishments to manage student data. Student Management Systems provide capabilities for entering. Film Indonesia My Heart. Mini Project in C Student Record System with source code download, uses file handling, functions and colorful graphic features.

This C mini project on student record management system is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler. So, compiling the source codes in other platforms or compiler such as Turbo C will produce errors. The C code is around 400 lines, so I haven’t displayed it here. You can directly download the source code plus the executable file from the link below. Download Mini Project in C Student Record System with Source Code. With Source Code Features of Student Record System in C: Simple functions have been to manipulate data structure and file handling, so here I will just list the features of this project. • Add student record • Search student record • Modify student record • Generate marksheet (also see: in C++) • Delete student record • Change password The functions listed below have been used to produce background with color effects.

/* Student Record System - C implementation Polytechnic University of the Philippines Mabini Campus, Sta. Mesa, Manila College of Computer Management and Information Technology A Partial Fulfillment of the Subject C Programming 1 This is a simple Student Record System in C which uses file handling concepts.

They are described in the source code with comments. • void SetColor(int ForgC) • void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC) • void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC void gotoxy (int x, int y) – I have been describing this function in most of the C projects published on this site.

You need to understand this function as it is an important one used in this mini project on student record management system. } Output Screens: Welcome Screen Add Record Also see, Use this mini project for reference purpose only. Try understanding it and write your own code to create new a project.

Submitting this with mini project in C Student Record System with little or no modification at all is completely discouraged. So, as there are many rooms for improvements in this project, try adding new features and making the project’s current features better. If you have questions and feedback related to this project, mention them in the comments section below.