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2011: Apple implements Siri on the iPhone 4S, Duolingo app is launched For language learning, we now have apps for practice such as Duolingo, online dictionaries, e-readers with on-page translation, translation apps, real-time translation with Skype and conversation mode apps. And, there is a good selection of movies in Spanish that can be streamed on Netflix (see our article ). When Spanish in Waterbury Center opened in 2007, hardly any of these tools existed. Soon they are likely to be very different. So what might the scientific breakthroughs be? Research and development in computer technology is only part of it. The science of the brain and how we learn is also advancing rapidly.
Where these two fields intersect lies considerable potential. Advances in our understanding of how our brain works (e.g. Download Software Penangkap Wifi on this page. How we learn, how we remember, how we process information, how the brain works with language) should lead to improvements in teaching tools and methods, both in the classroom and via our tech devices.
In an earlier article (see ), we made the case for why Siri and computers can’t replace real teachers. A lot of this is about real human interaction and communication that machines just can’t match. Our friendly assistant Siri may be polite but she/he/it really isn’t that bright. But what about in another 5 years?
Perhaps you will be able to say, “Siri, please review the basics for the subjunctive in Spanish” and she’ll do it and then quiz you on it. What we want to know is if this will be a regurgitation of some canned lesson or something truly interactive, like a real, live teacher.
Digital assistants have a long way to go to become more human-like (as in the 2013 movie Her), but we can expect much more useful computer-based teaching in the years ahead. What about an audio-video Siri that will work on all your devices including your TV, such that you can have a conversation with her and she can respond in an insightful way to what you say or ask. Despite all the advances in computer technology, computer-generated language translations are still not very good. Languages have rules but also many exceptions. Arcgis Symbol Library Pdf there. Usage can be an 'it depends' thing.