Etc/cups/printers.conf File

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Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment Modeling With Nlp Dilts Pdf Editor. . Comment lines start with the # character. Defines a specific printer.. Defines a default printer. Accepting Yes Accepting No Specifies whether the printer is accepting new jobs. AllowUser [ user @group.

Conf File Format

] Allows specific users and groups to print to the printer. DenyUser [ user @group. ] Prevents specific users and groups from printing to the printer. DeviceURI uri Specifies the device URI for a printer. New English File Eoi Power Pack. ErrorPolicy abort-job ErrorPolicy retry-current-job ErrorPolicy retry-job ErrorPolicy stop-printer Specifies the error policy for the printer. Info text Specifies human-readable text describing the printer. 95 Me Keygen Rarity more. JobSheets banner banner Specifies the banner pages to use for the printer.

Printers.conf(5) Apple Inc. Printers.conf - printer configuration file for cups. DESCRIPTION top. The printers.conf file defines the local printers that are available. It is normally located in the /etc/cups directory and is maintained by the cupsd(8) program. This file is not intended to be edited.